Siam Cast Nylon Co., Ltd.

公司名稱 | Siam Cast Nylon Co., Ltd.
攤位號碼 | A2321
品牌名稱 | PURE
Tel | ( 662 ) 9788856
Siam Cast Nylon Co., Ltd., is the manufacturer of carbon block since 1994 with 20 years of experience we now offer 8 different carbon block formulations to meet your requirements and claims.
PURE FCT : Functional Carbon Technology in Asia Since 1994
CTOP: Chlorine Taste and Odor Premium, CTO:Chlorine Taste and Odor, LPD: Low Pressure Drop, SMC: Surface Modification Carbon Block, LRC: Lead Reduction Composite Carbon Block, BCC: Bacteriostatic Composite Carbon Block, CRC: chloramines Reduction Composite, UFC: Ultra Filtration Core Insert.
