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iMTduo 2018 >> Product Information

Renishaw (Taiwan) Inc.


New Intelligent Process Control (IPC) software for Renishaw's Equator gauging system. Options within the IPC software can constantly monitor the process and detect excessive tool offset update values, indicating tool failure or high rates of wear, and automatically signal to the machine that the tool needs changing.


The Renishaw EquatorTM flexible gauge is now offered with IPC (intelligent process control) software, providing the functionality to fully automate tool offset updates in CNC manufacturing processes. Improved capability in precision part machining, reduced setting and process adjustment time, and integration with automation systems are some of the benefits that users can now expect.

IPC (New Intelligent Process Control) is used with the existing software running on the Equator controller, using recent historical gauging data to determine process corrections. Connection to a compatible machine tool can be as simple as connecting an Ethernet cable from the Equator to a CNC machine. This capability has already been used by Renishaw customers worldwide to achieve considerable performance gains across a wide variety of industries, applications and CNC machine types, including lathes, machining centres and highly automated machining cells.

Primo System

The Primo system is affordable as well as easy to use, leading manufacturers to the world of intellectual manufacture.

Primo System

A genuine breakthrough business model, the Primo system makes it easy for manufacturers to take their first steps towards higher-value manufacturing by automating their operations and achieving repeatable processes.

The Primo system is:
An industry first: a ‘pay-as-you-go' system and minimal upfront investment costs powered by Primo Credit Tokens.

Easy to use
Free self-study training kit and GoProbe: new, simplified, probing software.

Protected for peace of mind
Protection against accidental damage with Primo Total Protect.


A REVO® system delivers high performance scanning, non-contact inspection and surface finish analysis on a single CMM.


Multi-sensor 5-axis measurement system

The REVO® CMM system uses synchronised motion and 5-axis measurement technology to minimise the dynamic effects of CMM motion at ultra high measurement speeds.

This is achieved by letting the REVO-2 head do the fast demanding motion while the CMM moves in a linear slow fashion. The use of a flexible tip-sensing probe further adds to the system's accuracy and performance. The removable probe system, used in conjunction with a low cost changer, provides added system flexibility.

Renishaw (Taiwan) Inc.
Tel: 886-4-24603799



Taiwan External Trade Development Council(TAITRA) /
Address: No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City 110, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2725-5200 Fax:+886-2-2757-6652

Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry(TAMI)
Address: No. 110 Hwai Ning St., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2349-4666 Fax:+886-2-2381-3711