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Double Column High Speed Machine Center

Double Column High Speed Machine Center

In order to challenge high speed process machining in the hardened of the work-piece on the technical needs SISTER machine company has re-develop a new machine to suitable high speed and high precision hardened material cutting to meet today’s machine market demand.

Model SD600 combines the feature of original machine strengthen the quality of the machine rigidity has lowered the center of gravity position to avoid the effect of gyro makes machine vibration while maintaining dynamic balance of the machine.

Low tooling wear and high efficiency make new model more applicable to the needs of processors in today’s market.

The feature of Model SD600 :
1. High rigidness / lightness design.
2. High speed operation controller.
3. High acceleration /deceleration low cutter wear.
4. High speed high precision cutting advantage.

Double column High Speed Machine Center

Double column High Speed Machine Center

A high-speed milling and dust solution integrating SISTER's graphite machine center integrated a low temperature high speed dry cutting with super strong suction system. SD600G is dedicated to the precision machining of graphite materials.

The feature of Model SD600G:
• A dry cutting system make sure dust easy collection, Non-environment pollution problem.
• A strong negative dust suction system with close full guard to prevent dust leak-off and keep health of the operator.
• To installed the plus –minus device in the electric box preventing damage of electric system.
• High speed machine controller with high speed cutting function to keep face accuracy for the work-piece during cutting.
• All axes are completely covered with telescoping guide way, preventing damage to ball-screws.
• Air pulse-jet cartridge cleaning system.

Vertical Machine Center

Vertical Machine Center

Can your VMC do this?
1. An affordably priced 8000 RPM VMC with a 20x40 table cuts a complex trochoid geometry in aluminum or steel in under 3 minutes.
2.Side arm tool changer to keep tool assemblies clean from chip and prolong tool holder and spindle life.
3.Automatic spindle air purge to protect spindle taper from contamination and damage during tools changes.
4.Spindle oil chiller offering consistent thermal control for optimal part precision and spindle longevity.
5.Linear roller bearing. Offer superior line contact VS point contact for ball bearing for maximum rigidity.
6.Direct drive spindle for less vibration better finishes and faster accede than with belt driven spindles.
7.Heavy duty castings optimized with finite element analysis for the best rigidity dampening and part finish.
8.Intek M470 control. To provide very high cutting speeds high precision and user friend lines.
9.Coolant through tool for maximum cutting speeds superior chip evacuation and improve tool life.
10.Conversational programming for fast and easy programming and setups. To allow for adjusting to the part or fixture orientation quickly during setups coordinate rotation.
11.Chip conveyor for automatic evacuation of chips without cleaning.
12.Side doors with windows on each side of the machines cabinet allowing easy access to machine interior.
13.Ethernet connectivity allowing easy part program upload download and backups.

Tel: 886-04-25627062



Taiwan External Trade Development Council(TAITRA) /
Address: No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City 110, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2725-5200 Fax:+886-2-2757-6652

Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry(TAMI)
Address: No. 110 Hwai Ning St., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2349-4666 Fax:+886-2-2381-3711