Taipei Intelligent Machinery & Manufacturing Technology Show

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iMTduo 2018 >> About German Pavilion

Road Ahead Technologies Consultant Corp.

About RATC

Road Ahead Technologies Consultant Corporation was established in June 1996. The fonder of Road Ahead Technologies are experts from CAD/CAM, and we are a leading company brings Reverse Engineering (RE) , 3D Printing plus 3D Scanning, and variety of advanced technologies and solutions to fulfill our clients.

GOM ATOS Scanbox

GOM ATOS Scanbox

The ATOS ScanBox is a complete optical 3D measuring machine that was developed by GOM for an efficient quality control in the production and manufacturing process. After acquiring the data, the software computes a polygon mesh of the component’s surface and the actual data of the inspection feature plan. The actual data is compared with the nominal data and displayed in a report. ATOS Scanbox is efficient for Automobile, Precise Manufacturing, Metal and Mold industry to fulfill "Industry 4.0" needs.

3D Systems 3D Printer

3D Systems 3D Printer
From your office to the factory floor, 3D Systems provides ProX metal 3D Printer and Projet 3D Printer, they are able to produce concept models, precision and functional prototypes, master patterns and molds for tooling, and real end-use parts to optimize designs, streamline workflows and bring innovative products to market faster.

FARO 3D Measurement
The FaroArm and FARO ScanARM are the preeminent portable coordinate measuring machine (PCMM) that allows manufacturers easy verification of product quality by performing 3D inspections, tool certifications, CAD comparison, dimensional analysis, reverse engineering, and more.



Taiwan External Trade Development Council(TAITRA) /
Address: No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City 110, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2725-5200 Fax:+886-2-2757-6652

Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry(TAMI)
Address: No. 110 Hwai Ning St., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2349-4666 Fax:+886-2-2381-3711