Taipei Intelligent Machinery & Manufacturing Technology Show

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iMTduo 2018 >> Editor’s Selection

When smart machines puts on the chef’s apron

Refining inspection system and energy management system

This issue’s special highlighted product is the ‘Automatic Noodle Serving Machine’ – the concept of smart machines being adopted to the food and restaurant industry. It certainly will challenge the traditional image on the food industry. The exhibitor at iMTduo will display a 100% automated noodle cooking machine, aiming to replace labor needed from preparing to serving. If smart manufacturing is about thinking out of the box, then unmanned cooking equipment, intelligent ingredient processing systems as well as the introduction of this automatic noodle serving machine might be one of the solutions to settle concerns on food security, labor shortages, and even extra waste of ingredients.



Taiwan External Trade Development Council(TAITRA) /
Address: No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City 110, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2725-5200 Fax:+886-2-2757-6652

Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry(TAMI)
Address: No. 110 Hwai Ning St., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2349-4666 Fax:+886-2-2381-3711