LICO: Multi-tasking LNDD machines
LICO Machinery Co. specializes in CNC single-spindle screw machines that blend the speed of screw machines with the precision and versatility of CNC lathes. With 38 years in cam-type automatics and 25 years in CNC Multi-Slides Turn-Mill Centers, LICO has teamed up with many experienced machinery dealers throughout the world to ensure good services.
The LICO LNT series of CNC screw machines feature various levels of technology enabling you to match the right machine to the right part. Built on a rugged base, these machines employ up to four 2-axis cross slides arrayed around the spindle. All 4 slides and the turret are capable of overlapping with each other [Parallel Machining] or [Multi-tasking]. The slides are dovetail and gib design, giving you the rigidity to make use of form tools to maximize material removal rates without chatter. The machines include a 2-axis eight position turret with live-tooling on every position. These machines are fixed headstock machines, so no special material or learning sliding-headstock technology is required. Spindle bores range from 36mm through 65mm. On most parts, the LNT machines will outperform any Swiss type machines up to 7-axis. Our 3-turret version, LNTS-T3, even outperforms competitions in Germany to win orders.
The latest machine model is the LNDD machines, which adds 2-3 cross slides to a traditional Twin-spindle Single-turret machine. The turret has a True-Y axis (+/-55mm) that allows for multiple tools at each turret position for working on both spindles. This machine also comes in larger spindle bores, 80mm and 100 mm.
Visit LICO in TIMTOS 2019 at booth number N-0330.
Company Name:LICO Machinery Co., Ltd.
Booth Number:N-0330
Tel: +886-4-25630950