Page 54 - TAITRONICS 2021-12 Edition
P. 54

Overseas Representative Offices of TAITRA and

                Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C.

             Numerous overseas branches and repre-  MOEA’s Overseas Offices
     Overseas Offices
             sentative offices, working in cooperation
             with public commercial
             and private organizations, constitute a
             comprehensive worldwide network of   ASIA - PACIFIC
             123 offices. Their services are not only
             meant for R.O.C. businessmen. However,   Australia
             importers, exporters, agents, and private
             and official organizations from foreign   Economic Division, Taipei Economic
             countries are also welcome to make use of   and Cultural Office in Australia
             them.                             Unit 8, 40 Blackall Street, Barton,
                                               Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia
             These 123 offices can help foreign busi-  Tel: 61-2-61202000,61-2-6120-2032
             nessmen by                        Fax: 61-2-6273-1396
             --answering enquiries on Taiwan products,  Email:
             --providing information on Taiwan suppliers
             or buyers and trade shows held in Taiwan.  Hong Kong
             --co-sponsoring sales and purchasing mis-  Far East Trade Service Inc., Hong
             sions and seminars,               Kong Branch Office
             --and helping to Facilitate travel arrange-  Suite 1503, 15/F., Central Plaza, 18
             ments.                            Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
                                               Tel: 852-2524-3337
             Address of these commercial offices are   Fax: 852-2521-7711
             as follows:                       Email:
                                               Economic Division, Taipei Economic
                                               and Cultural Center in India
                                               34 Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New
                                               Delhi-110057, India
                                               Tel: 91-11-46077777
                                               Fax: 91-11-2615-0228

                                                   Taipei International Electronics Show 2021
                                                          Taiwan International AIoT Show
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